While developing my blog using Hugo, I created a simple Makefile to help automate some steps. Hopefully someone else will find this useful
.PHONY: all clean minified server watch help
HUGO := hugo
HTML_MINIFIER := html-minifier -c html-minifier.conf
# All input files
FILES=$(shell find content layouts static themes -type f)
# Below are PHONY targets
all: public minified
@echo "Usage: make <command>"
@echo " all Builds the blog and minifies it"
@echo " clean Cleans all build files"
@echo " server Runs a webserver on port 1313 to test the final minified result"
@echo " watch Runs hugo in watch mode, waiting for changes"
@echo ""
@echo "New article:"
@echo " hugo new post/the_title"
@echo " $$EDITOR content/post/the_title.md"
@echo " make watch"
@echo " open "
-rm -rf public
-rm .minified
minified: .minified
server: public
cd public && python -m SimpleHTTPServer 1313
watch: clean
$(HUGO) server -w
# Below are file based targets
public: $(FILES) config.yaml
# Post process some files (to make the HTML more bootstrap friendly)
# Add a table class to all tables
grep -IR --include=*.html --null -l -- "<table" public/ | xargs -0 sed -i '' 's/<table/<table class="table"/g'
# Replace "align=..."" with class="test-..."
grep -IR --include=*.html --null -l -- "<th" public/ | xargs -0 sed -i '' 's/<th align="/<th class="text-/g'
grep -IR --include=*.html --null -l -- "<td" public/ | xargs -0 sed -i '' 's/<td align="/<td class="text-/g'
# Ensure the public folder has it's mtime updated.
touch $@
.minified: public html-minifier.conf
# Find all HTML and in parallel run the minifier
find public -type f -iname '*.html' | parallel --tag $(HTML_MINIFIER) "{}" -o "{}"
touch .minified
The latest version is always checked into github with my blog, but the above is easy to copy and paste.
make help
reminds me of the commands when I need it.make all
executes hugo to build the site, then I run the generated HTML through a minifier, and do some other minor tweaks.make clean
deletes all previously generated files, which may help delete files lingering around.make server
starts a web server serving a static copy of the minified result.make watch
also starts a web server, but directly from hugo that will live reload as you make changes. The main difference is this output isn’t minified.