Ordnance Survey Easting/Northing to Lat/Long

| gps | latitude | longitude | ordnance survey | PHP

Recently I had the need to convert Ordnance Survey East/North coordinates to Latitude and Longitude. By using the resources available on the OS site I wrote the following piece of PHP code:

// Converts OS Easting/Northing to Lat/Long
// by bramp
function Marc($bf0, $n, $PHI0, $PHI) {
	Compute meridional arc.
	Input: - 
	 ellipsoid semi major axis multiplied by central meridian scale factor (bf0) in meters; 
	 n (computed from a, b and f0); 
	 lat of false origin (PHI0) 
	 initial or final latitude of point (PHI) IN RADIANS.

	$n2 = pow($n, 2);
	$n3 = pow($n, 3);

	$ans  = ((1 + $n + ((5 / 4) * ($n2)) + ((5 / 4) * $n3)) * ($PHI - $PHI0));
	$ans -= (((3 * $n) + (3 * $n2) + ((21 / 8 ) * $n3)) * (sin($PHI - $PHI0)) * (cos($PHI + $PHI0)));
	$ans += ((((15 / 8 ) * $n2) + ((15 / 8 ) * $n3)) * (sin(2 * ($PHI - $PHI0))) * (cos(2 * ($PHI + $PHI0))));
	$ans -= (((35 / 24) * $n3) * (sin(3 * ($PHI - $PHI0))) * (cos(3 * ($PHI + $PHI0))));

	return $bf0 * $ans;
function initialLat($North, $n0, $afo, $PHI0, $n, $bfo) {
	Compute initial value for Latitude (PHI) IN RADIANS.
	Input: - _
	northing of point (North) and northing of false origin (n0) in meters; 
	semi major axis multiplied by central meridian scale factor (af0) in meters; 
	latitude of false origin (PHI0) IN RADIANS;
	n (computed from a, b and f0) 
	ellipsoid semi major axis multiplied by central meridian scale factor (bf0) in meters.
	//First PHI value (PHI1)
	$PHI1 = (($North - $n0) / $afo) + $PHI0;

	//Calculate M
	$M = Marc($bfo, $n, $PHI0, $PHI1);

	//Calculate new PHI value (PHI2)
	$PHI2 = (($North - $n0 - $M) / $afo) + $PHI1;
	//Iterate to get final value for InitialLat
	while ( abs($North - $n0 - $M) > 0.00001 ) {
		$PHI2 = (($North - $n0 - $M) / $afo) + $PHI1;
		$M = Marc($bfo, $n, $PHI0, $PHI2);
		$PHI1 = $PHI2;
	return $PHI2;

function E_N_to_Lat_Long($East, $North) {
	$a  = 6377563.396; // Semi-major axis, a
	$b  = 6356256.910; //Semi-minor axis, b
	$e0 = 400000.000; //True origin Easting, E0	
	$n0 = -100000.000; //True origin Northing, N0	
	$f0 = 0.999601271700; //Central Meridan Scale, F0
	$PHI0 = 49.0; // True origin latitude, j0
	$LAM0 = -2.0; // True origin longitude, l0
	//Convert angle measures to radians
	$RadPHI0 = $PHI0 * (M_PI / 180);
	$RadLAM0 = $LAM0 * (M_PI / 180);

	//Compute af0, bf0, e squared (e2), n and Et
	$af0 = $a * $f0;
	$bf0 = $b * $f0;
	$e2 = ($af0*$af0 - $bf0*$bf0 ) / ($af0*$af0);
	$n = ($af0 - $bf0) / ($af0 + $bf0);
	$Et = $East - $e0;

	//Compute initial value for latitude (PHI) in radians
	$PHId = InitialLat($North, $n0, $af0, $RadPHI0, $n, $bf0);

	$sinPHId2 = pow(sin($PHId),  2);
	$cosPHId  = pow(cos($PHId), -1);
	$tanPHId  = tan($PHId);
	$tanPHId2 = pow($tanPHId, 2);
	$tanPHId4 = pow($tanPHId, 4);
	$tanPHId6 = pow($tanPHId, 6);

	//Compute nu, rho and eta2 using value for PHId
	$nu = $af0 / (sqrt(1 - ($e2 * $sinPHId2)));
	$rho = ($nu * (1 - $e2)) / (1 - $e2 * $sinPHId2);
	$eta2 = ($nu / $rho) - 1;
	//Compute Longitude
	$X    = $cosPHId / $nu;
	$XI   = $cosPHId / (   6 * pow($nu, 3)) * (($nu / $rho)         +  2 * $tanPHId2);
	$XII  = $cosPHId / ( 120 * pow($nu, 5)) * (5  + 28 * $tanPHId2  + 24 * $tanPHId4);
	$XIIA = $cosPHId / (5040 * pow($nu, 7)) * (61 + 662 * $tanPHId2 + 1320 * $tanPHId4 + 720 * $tanPHId6);

	$VII  = $tanPHId / (  2 * $rho * $nu);
	$VIII = $tanPHId / ( 24 * $rho * pow($nu, 3)) * ( 5 +  3 * $tanPHId2 + $eta2 - 9 * $eta2 * $tanPHId2 );
	$IX   = $tanPHId / (720 * $rho * pow($nu, 5)) * (61 + 90 * $tanPHId2 + 45 * $tanPHId4 );

	$long = (180 / M_PI) * ($RadLAM0 + ($Et * $X) - pow($Et,3) * $XI + pow($Et,5) * $XII - pow($Et,7) * $XIIA);
	$lat  = (180 / M_PI) * ($PHId - (pow($Et,2) * $VII) + (pow($Et, 4) * $VIII) - (pow($Et, 6) * $IX));
	return array($lat, $long);

it is used in the following way:

$e = 349000;
$n = 461000;

print_r( E_N_to_Lat_Long( $e, $n) );

If you find a need to use this please place a link back to my site. thanks